domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

Laptops And Other Gadgets Make Offices Portable

Thanks to recent technological developments it's now possible to get work done no matter where you are. That's because there are a lot of gadgets available that will let you set up an office just about wherever you want.

High Definition Television

High Definition Television, or HDTV for short, is the entertainment technology of the future.It surpasses the quality of standard definition television in many impressive ways. The resolution of High Definition Television is ten times greater than the resolution of standard definition television and the picture is delivered in the same 16:9 aspect ratio of a movie theater. This added viewing area will make you feel like you're part of what's happening on the screen. Sound is delivered through Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, which when used with the right configuration of speakers adds to the sensation of being part of the action. Of course to take advantage of these extra features, you need special equipment. An HDTV capable television has to have the wide format 16:9 aspect ratio and needs to be able to handle the higher resolution. In other words it needs to be capable of packing more pixels into any given area. The sound system most frequently consists of two speakers in the front of the home theater by the television, three behind the couch or chairs where people watching the television will sit and often a sub-woofer under the couch.

Blu-ray Technology Still Faces Obstacles

Despite the fact that Blu-ray now longer has the competition of HD DVD to contend with, this technology still faces numerous barriers to its widespread adoption.First some background on Blu-ray. For the uninitiated, Blu-ray is a video disc format that can deliver HDTV quality video and is meant to replace the older DVD format as the home media format of choice for the foreseeable future. It accomplishes this with much greater data storage capacity than the DVD thanks to blue violet laser technology that can encode information more finely. This means that a Blu-ray disc, which is the same size as a normal DVD, can store roughly five times as much data! That extra capability to store data allows the Blu-ray disc to store video with a high enough resolution to qualify as HDTV. In fact, Blu-ray is capable of delivering movies with resolutions as high as 1080p which is the maximum for the HDTV format and better than most TV services can provide.Perhaps the biggest barrier to the wide spread adoption of the Blu-ray format is the DVD format that it is meant to replace. There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, there is some widespread fatigue of upgrading to new video formats. DVD has only been available for a little more than a decade and many users of DVD technology simply feel that it is too early to upgrade to a new format. The last obstacle that Blu-ray has to conquer is economic rather than technological. In a tough economy, people just aren't buying as many electronics. Devices like Blu-ray players and Blu-ray discs are far from being necessities and they are still too expensive to qualify as impulse purchases for all but the most wealthy electronics enthusiasts. For these reasons, it may be a while before Blu-ray gets the dominance that it was meant for.

Video Technology is more portable than ever

If you think that you are too busy to watch TV, then there are a few new kinds of technology that you should have a look at. That's because there are more ways to watch TV while you are on the go than there ever have been before! If you think that portable TV means having to be subjected to those lousy hand held TV's with the tiny LCD screens (often in black and white), then there are some other options that you can look into and more options coming out all of the time.It is still possible to watch TV on portable devices, but now it's more likely to be on a mobile phone or a smart phone than those older devices. Unlike the old portable TV sets that were dedicated to receiving over the air TV signals, the video that you can watch over a smart phone comes over a 3G data network that also provides Internet access. This video can come in the form of a proprietary service that's native to your mobile service provider or it can come from over the Internet. Many smart phones also have WiFi capability that can be used to access streaming Internet video while accessing a WiFi hot spot.All of the portable video options available today can allow you to enjoy TV in the idle moments that pop up occasionally during your otherwise busy life!

sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2009

I, Robot

The book:

Author: Isaac Asimov
Cover artist: Ed Cartier
Country: United States
Language: English
Genre(s): Science fiction, short stories
Publisher: Gnome Press
Publication date: 1950
Media type: print (hardback)
Pages: 272 pp
Followed by: The Complete Robot

This book was written by Isaac Asimov, in 50 years, and is a contemporary of stories about robots. This book was one of the biggest hits of Asimov, and contains the laws of robotics by Asimov set out and accepted by other authors. This book consists of 9 stories, which deal with the evolution of the robots over time. The first story is entitled "Robbie," a robot nanny, unable to speak, is broken and repudiated by the people of Earth, and is thus prohibited the use of robots on the planet. At last count, the Earth is governed by the "Global Coordinator" Stephen BYERLEY (under which hang suspected to be a robot) that manages the Earth through the use of 4 "machines" that dictate the operation of production, consumption and use of labor.


"Catch that Rabbit"
"Little Lost Robot"
"The Evitable"

The Movie:

I, Robot is an American movie, based in the future, was launched on 16 July 2004 by 20th Century Fox I, Robot is based on the book by Isaac Asimov, more precisely, on the famous Laws of Robotics created by the writer. In their stories, Asimov played with the various implications of the laws of logic, creating absurd situations and dangerous for humans involving the robots, but also resolved in a logical. In the film, however, the same thing is resolved on the basis of much beating and harassment, as is usual in the production of action movies.

The Cast:

• Will Smith: Detective Del Spooner

• Bridget Moynahan: Susan Calvin Dr.

• Bruce Greenwood: Lance Robertson

• Chi McBride: Lt. John Bergin

• Alan Tudyk: Sonny

• James Cromwell: Dr. Alfred Lanning

• Emily Tennant: Sarah Lloyd

• Peter Chinkoda: Chin

• Shia LaBeouf: Farber



The robot belongs to a branch of technology, which involves mechanical, electronic, computing and artificial intelligence. Currently, the robot is found in systems consisting of automatic machines and mechanical parts, can be controlled manually or automatically by electrical circuits. Although these machines are made and mechanisms, sometimes we can say that they are "alive", but nothing more than a simple robot. The robots are increasingly used by humans to do their jobs. And in future, the robots can control everything. The robots do not dream, do not feel, nor tire, because they are only machines. Today, due to reduced costs of robots, this technology is highly required by factories and industries, because they contribute positively to the increase of production.

The Robot in Society:

In our society a great need to perform tasks with efficiency and precision, and there are also tasks in places where human presence is difficult, risky and sometimes impossible, for example: at the bottom of the sea or in space. And instead of humans, robots are used, not at risk of life, to achieve these tasks.

There are robots in several areas in today's society:

Robots disarming of bombs.

Robots in science education and the study

Robots workers

There are different types of robots:


Control computer



Impacts on society:

With the development of robots, will appear many social impacts, but the most problem is unemployment. In factories, to be achieved greater productivity and quality in products, more economic, computers and robots are recruited guided by a need for survival in the market. But the workers, they are terrified, because a robot replaces sometimes tens or even hundreds of men in the production line.

Isaac Asimov, American writer of science fiction, set the 4 laws of robotics:

1st: A robot may not injure a human being and not by default, allow any evil to happen.

2nd: A robot must obey the orders of humans, except when they contradict the First Law.

3rd: A robot must protect its integrity, provided that, with this, not in the First and Second Laws.

4th: "A robot may not cause or allow evil to humanity that it does."


quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2009

Agriculture Nowadays

Tha agriculture is one of the ancient type of work, but it suffered a lot of changes.

The modern agriculture apeard after the first fase of the Industrial Revolution, with the appearance of electricity. This called new technologies reinvented the agriculture, it became much more easy to work in the fields, and the level of production increased.

In my opinion the new technologies inproved a lot the agriculture, but in other cases I think that the new technologies are ecoming much too powerful...

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009

The job market

Never the job market demanded so much of professionals like nowadays. This market demands that workers have the capacity of multi tasking, oposing the past, where the worker only carryed out one kind of job.

Acording to estimates, some profetions will estinguish around the year 2015, mostly the jobs that can replace the worker by a machine.

However some areas will have more opportunities like tourism, internet and environment.

I don't know what I want to do in the future, and wich area will I chose, but this new job market concerns me, because I am scared to chose some kind of job and then this extinguish...

Telework: Advantages and Disadvantages

"The world today assists the integration and implementation of new means to greater speed and efficiency in information exchange. Access to networks inside and outside of companies, the video network in place the use of shared documents in real time and the redistribution of phone calls are some examples of these new technologies. "
Teleworking, is a kind of working distance. This work can be considered as all the work done outside the office, for example, and is supported by communication technologies. This work enables teleworkers, work from your own home provided you have the means to do so. How all this kind of work at a distance, has advantages and disadvantages.


For teleworkers:

  • Reduction of stress;

  • Increase in welfare;

  • Increased availability for family;

  • Reduction of travel;

  • Reduction in costs;

  • Possibility of being your own boss;

  • You can work without interruption;

  • You can control the pace of work;

  • Get more free time;

For companies:

  • Increased productivity;

  • Transformation of the cost structure of company;

  • Flexibility in planning / organization of work;

  • Recruitment more efficient / more objective;

For society:

  • Reduction of pollution;

  • Regional development;

  • Flexibility of employment;


For teleworkers:

  • It has co-workers;

  • Difficulty in separating the life of life;

  • Lack of methodology;

  • Might have difficulty adapting to a new job is leaving to work at home;

  • Social and professional isolation;

  • Reduction of job opportunities;

  • Family problems;

  • Lack of legislation;

  • The habit of work;

For companies:

  • More difficult to control and supervise the work;

  • Resistance to change;

  • Decrease of cohesion within the company;

  • Investment associated with equipment / technology-based services;

  • Risks of security and confidentiality of information;

For society:

  • Negative implications in the real estate market;

  • Vulnerability to potential competition for labor and labor-foreign;

  • Infoexclusion;


sábado, 9 de maio de 2009


Every day all the people who follows the news on Tv don't hear anything less than unemployement.
And what is unemplyement?
Unemplyement is a consequence that destroy's and difficult's people's life. People loose their jobs, they loose their salary at the end of the month and their ways to survive.
And the people we have to blame are those guys from the government!~

New apearences in technology and their effects on people's money

Nowadays we are a world of full consumerism.
We spend lot's of money in things that after half an year don't have the same value because another things is invented and it's better than what we have and again and again we spend money on another thing we don't need.
New technologies are always arriving and loosing their value to another other technology.
But the fact is that with all these changings our world is envolving and growing every day more and more.

New techonlogies and a new world of work

As we all know new technologies are arriving to our world of work every day.
The good thing in this is that lots of people know how to work with computers, fax, emails, internet, etc... And that turns the work a lot more easier than what it was before.
But the fact is that new technologies didn't brought only good things, and there are lot's of issues like new technologies have something to blame when we talk about unemployement, lot's of people are loosing their jobs because work is geeting more and more macanizied nad lot's of people are loosing there jobs because of that.

Finding a Job

Finding a job is not quite easy like it seems.
The first thing you need to do is have motivation in school to obtain good marks and search for a job in your area.
The second thing you need too see if the job you want isn't with lot of people searching for it.
The thirth thing you need to know is if you are available to work in that kind of job.
And the last thing you need to know is if your salary is good and then go on with your life. ^^

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009


É claro que no futuro a antena vai ser mais pequena!

O Trevo foi o primeiro no escritório a ter um computador portátil

" Vai ter de pedir aos miudos para te esplicarem isto -- é uma coisa nova chamada internet."

"Como havia eu de saber sobre esse anexos?
Ontem um miudo inteligente, agora sou pai...
Essa venha Nova Tecnologia vai acabar por te apanhar."

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

Medicine Nowadays

Medicine, as all the different areas is suffering a big change with the new technologies.

A lot of those new technics are conected, what may cause some difficulty in distinguish the new concepts of computer science, telecomunications and new technologies.

There is a lot of different ways to use those technologies, but they are all included on a speciality called medical Computer Science.

That major set of concepts creats difficulties even for specialists, to define the ogjectives of that area. Not just in the case of human medicine but also in veterinary medicine.

I think that doctors should have some kind of formations to know more about the new technologies, in that case it would be easyer for doctors and also for patients to deal with medicine.

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2009

Working Girl

The film tells the story of a young girl that wants to work in New York. Tess McGill is a humble women that isn't graduated but she is full of ideas, and she is going to work in a office that deals with stock market, as a secretary of an very importat executive. When her boss brokes her leg Tess does her work and pretends to be an executive. She propose a very smart move, and receives the support of Jack Trainer a big businessman. The two of them end up falling in love, but there is a problem... he ir her bosse's boyfriend.

Changes with the New Technologies

The use of new techonologies in work changed the work place a lot. Now we have several people that work from their own homes and machines that are doing what used to be done by people. This event created a lot of unemployment, but it allowed to us, to have better condtios at work and a better lifestyle. In my opinion the use of new technologies is a necessary act nowadays, but we souldn't became dependent of it.

New technologies and Medicine

Over the years, medicine has evolved in many aspects, one is a great use of new technologies. There are several interrelated concepts, new techniques, which, become difficult to distinguish, such as:

∙ Hardware

∙ Telecommunications

∙ Information technology

∙ Computer

∙ New technologies

In medical terms, all these techniques are covered in general in a specialty known as Medical Informatics. This term is limited, there are included all the new technologies applied to medicine. Today, the technology will allow the interaction distance through the use of conventional telephone lines, the cable networks, Internet, fiber optics, radio frequency systems, satellite and mobile telephony, called the terms of this as telemedicine. This allows:

• Scheduling processes

• Management of resources

• Interpretation of images

• Systems of education for professionals and lay

• Second opinion • Inter consultation or medical

• home monitoring of patients

• Monitoring of patients hospitalized

• Remote control of monitors

• teleconsultation

• Support procedures performed by paramedics

• Physical Examination

• Surgeries

This list, is in increasing order of complexity in their deployment. Certainly, the physical examination and surgery, take some time to integrate the routine medical, but the first five items on the list are in the phase of rapid deployment. However, for the telemedicine result, you need a specific set of requirements, equipment and connection systems need to be disseminated and available at affordable cost, both as patients and family physicians need to have assimilated a culture of use, which often involves a change in the pattern of traditional processes, legislation and bodies controllers need to clearly establish the rules of use, and business models in use must be established. But the impact of telemedicine in the future is still somewhat uncertain. Potentially, the doctors in some specialties have a large increase in its service capabilities, including those working with images to diagnose or to those who make therapeutic monitoring.
